A question we hear a lot, especially in today's technologically advanced and accessible world, is "Why should I hire a professional photographer?" I mean, cell phone cameras do have pretty advanced systems on them and can take pretty decent photos. But it isn't always about the device you use, it's the person behind the camera. A professional photographer has studied their craft, spent years practicing and honing their skills. They've taken continuing education classes and seminars to enhance their skills, to learn new techniques and broaden their perspectives. Professionals invest in quality equipment which aids in making the best portraits possible. But it isn't just about the equipment. It's seeing the image, adding to or taking away as necessary. Professional photographers are artists who use light & shadow to paint and capture their images and turn them into artwork for the walls in your home. "It's not about the brush the artist uses, it's all about the skill of the artist".
These are behind the scenes images from a recent senior portrait session alongside their "behind the scenes" counterparts.
This is why you hire a professional. :)
Ready to schedule a free consultation at the studio? Book Your Consultation
Kellie Gann Randolph, Cr.Photog, CPP
Kellie Gann & Company, Inc.
(409) 622 - 1040
121 East Shepherd Avenue - Lufkin, TX
Who is Kellie Gann & Company?
Specializing in senior and family portraits, Kellie Gann & Company is a portrait studio in Lufkin, TX that uses state of the art techniques and creativity to showcase the best qualities of each individual. Learn more at www.KellieGann.com