2025 Angelina College - Family Photos and Mini Graduation Sessions

On-Campus Mini Sessions available April 10th, April 24th, and May 1st
Graduate Information

We will call or text you to confirm your time slot for pictures. The day of your session, your photographer will call or text you with the location on the campus of where to meet them. For questions, please call or text Kellie at (409) 622-1040.



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Thank you for your order! We look forward to photographing you at your Commencement! Congratulations on your achievement! Finished images will be emailed to the email address you put on this form.
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We have received your order. Thank you for your business!

  • If you have selected a package for "Outdoor Mini Sessions" or for "Outdoor Family Photos", we will call or text you to confirm your time slot for pictures. The day of your session, your photographer will call or text you with the location on the campus of where to meet them. For questions, please call or text Kellie at (409) 622-1040.
  • Finished Portraits will be available for pick up at Kellie Gann & Company Studio at 121 E. Shepherd Ave in Lufkin, TX from 11:00 am - 6:00 pm on June 22nd and 23rd.
  • Orders that are not paid to ship, and that do NOT get picked up at Kellie Gann & Company on June 22nd or 23rd will be archived for 14 days.
  • If you purchased Digital Files your file and print release will be emailed to the email address you provided by June 23rd.
  • All SHIPPING orders will be shipped on June 26th and be delivered by July 1st.

For questions, please email Kellie@KellieGann.com or call or text Kellie at (409) 622-1040

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